Thirsk and Malton Constituency Area Planning Committee  

Supplementary to committee reports


18 July 2024




Application number and Division







Officer Note




















Officer Note


























The Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) Metric and report relating to this development has been submitted. The submission indicates a net gain of 0.62% for habitats and 66.2% for hedgerows. As the application was submitted before BNG became mandatory it is considered that the proposals meet the requirements of Local Plan Policy E3 which requires development to demonstrate a net gain for biodiversity. The following condition is recommended to secure the implementation and long-term management of the BNG proposals.


Prior to the commencement of development hereby permitted, a Habitat Management and Monitoring Plan (HMMP), using the relevant template developed by Natural England, and prepared in accordance with the approved Biodiversity Net Gain Statement and metric received by North Yorkshire Council on 12.07.2024 shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  The habitat retention, creation and enhancement specified within the HMMP shall then be implemented in full and managed for a period of at least 30 years in accordance with the agreed HMMP from completion of the habitat creation and enhancement works.  Monitoring reports shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority, using the relevant template developed by Natural England, in accordance with the monitoring intervals set out in the agreed HMMP. 

The following additional conditions relating to Landscape and Ecology are also proposed.

Tree Protection measures: Prior to the commencement of the development or the depositing of materials on site the tree protections measure as detailed within the Arboricultural Constraints Survey, Impact Assessment, Protection Plan and Method Statement received by North Yorkshire Council on 21.12.2023 shall be installed. Once installed the measures shall remain in place for the duration of the construction phase.


Bird nesting survey prior to clearance during bird nesting season


 No vegetation/hedgerow clearance shall take place during bird nesting season unless a breeding bird risk assessment is first carried out by a suitably qualified professional confirming that no breeding birds will be affected by the clearance works.


Trench filling overnight


Any trenches or voids created during the construction phase shall be filled within the same working day unless an adequate means of escape for wildlife is provided, or unless the trench is securely covered overnight.


Lighting scheme


Prior to the occupation of the development hereby approved a lighting scheme shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


Bird and Bat boxes


Prior to the occupation of the development hereby approved a scheme for the installation of bird and bat boxes as detailed within the Preliminary Ecological Appraisal received by North Yorkshire Council on 21.12.2023. the scheme shall include the type and location of boxes to be installed. The boxes shall thereafter be installed in accordance with the approved details.